Thursday, April 28, 2011

Terrible 2's Treacherous 3's and Fearsome fours Eeek!!

Soon I will have a newborn a 2 yr old a 3yr old and a 4 yr old! Ah I am getting alittle nervous. Maddie and Parker are getting into a stage where they are very defiant. So calling all you moms out there.... What are your tried and true techniques to reprimand and see results? I go out of my way to make sure that my kids are not spoiled and have good manners. The only problem with the spoiled thing is I like to do nice things for/with my children so it is hard to decide if it is spoiling them or just making the most out of my time. How do you feel about this? My kids have alot of toys and stuff in general. Everything I do really I do for my children. They come first and I would buy them something without hesitation and it takes me about 30-40 minutes of procrastinating before buying myself a $3 item. It usually also takes a call to my husband making sure it is ok by him. I normally get yelled at for that last part lol!
               Hahahaha yeah they look sweet huh?? They are most of the time and I love them to death just need alittle help from all you awesome people

Also wondering what you feel is more important a clean house or happy children..? I am trying to keep things neat and tidy but the clutter takes over sometimes. I would say that deep down my house is clean but on the surface it is slightly out of control. I need to purge and get rid of things. Maybe a yard sale :D!! Lots of baby clothes lots of toys and tons of other stuff lol. We will see. I will add it to my never ending list of things to do. Also are any of the rest of you drowning in laundry. I can get my laundry washed and dryed. It is just a matter of getting it hung,folded and put away. How do you accomplish this? How many loads of laundry a day do you have to do to keep the mountain under control?

I know this is alot of ?'s I am just hoping mom to mom or mom to dad or mom to friend you can help me out with your helpful amazing ideas!! :D


Sarah said...

I can relate to you on a lot of these things! My little man's been giving us a hard time too. My best advice is to find what works best for you such as time out, go to your room, loss of a privilege or a special toy as punishment and stick with it! Follow through every time! I think one of the biggest mistakes is not following through. Because then even when you are giving a warning if the kid knows you won't really do it then it is meaningless. So just stick with it and it will get better!
I am 100% for the happy kids over the clean house! We get behind too! Our house is clean but cluttered with toys, junk mail, and clothes! lol. Matts a huge help around the house so we just pick a day and team up to get it done together!
I can't seem to keep up with laundry either! I am better about the kids than mine and Matt's lol. I will wash, dry, and fold but I HATE putting it away for some dumb reason! lol. So it ends up all over our room. Which creates a mess and then makes me crazy... you'd think I'd learn!
So even though I don't have any quick fixes at least you know you're not alone!

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